
Super Mario Bros.

Super Mario Bros. is an 1985 advance platform video game for the SNES by Shigeru Miyamoto.
it was a sequel for the 1983 FAMILY COMPUTER and arcade game Bros.
The Plot is to save Princess Toadstool (A.K.A.Peach) from King Koopa (A.K.A. Bowser) and you can also play as Luigi (Mario's Younger Bro)  a quirky fellow for a helping hand mario brother :).

Super Mario 2

Super Mario Bros. 2 also known as SMB2 and Super Mario 2
+ Super Mario - Lost Levels (Only in Japan) 
is a 1993 Platform Game also made by Miyamoto
I can't really describe this game sorry :(  so  i'll tell you about Mario 3

Super Mario Bros. 3

Racoon Mario
In Super Mario 3

Super Mario Bros. 3
is a 1988 - 1991 platform video game which has new power ups
1. Super Leaf
2. Super Mushroom
3. 1-up
4. Tanooki Suit

Super Mario World

It's hard to describe pass I need to watch X - factor