Power Ups


in 1985 when SUPER MARIO BROS. was first on our game consoles there were certain power ups in the game alrighty to start with I would like it to tell you about the Super Mushroom restores 50hp and makes you big and doubles the love with Princess Toadstool (A.K.A. Peach!) I will show you a picture of it now

thats a Super Mushroom ya happy :)
Fire Flower
a Fire flower < is a Object/Power up, that can make you throw fire balls
if you bump into it by pressing B on your  SNES controller  you can throw the fire balls at an enemy
like Goomba or Paratroopa
and fire flower is also may be reffered  to  Ice Flower (New Super Mario Bros. 3)
Super Leaf
Super Leaf may refer to the Tanuki suit in  Super Mario Bros. 3
< Super Leaf Capatain N. and the adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3.
and in that show Mario, Luigi and Toad and Peach could turn into Raccoon Mario, Raccoon Luigi, Raccoon Toad and Raccoon Toadstool  in the epidode Super Koopa King Koopa (A.K.A. Bowser) used the Super Leaf to become Tanuki Koopa to capture Peach in the country Paris and super leaves our the most cool power ups in Mario World so vote for Super Leaf in the 2010 MTV Game Awards (Kidding).